The focal point of the painting is the pearl earring--simple, yet dramatic. The painting is simply beautiful. In fact, (for being a painting in the year c. 1665) this painting is extremely modern. The touch of a red lip, the simple complexity of the skin, and the addition of the baby-blue headdress on a black background allow the viewer to experience the presence of the girl wearing the pearl earring; I feel as if I know her. To be even more honest, this painting reminds me of the beauty of cancer--ironic, I know. In my opinion, people who have experienced chemotherapy are beautiful; their confidence and hope is uplifting, and the nakedness of their heads are (oddly) attractive to the eye. I know this entire concept is difficult to understand; however, cancer (aside from the possible outcome of death) is beautiful in some aspects. It changes a person--oddly, for the better. Cancer patients always seem to have a smile on their face, and their loved ones always seem to have a harder time with the situation than the patients themselves.
All in all, Vermeer created a beautiful painting--a work of exquisite art. The Girl with a Pearl Earring is simple, modern, refined, and inspiring; she excites the mind, as well as inspires true hope and beauty.